Sunday, April 5, 2009

Next Up: Sharks @ Ducks

Sunday, Apr. 5 @ 5:00, TV: CSN-BA (HD (Yays!))

I am going to attribute last night's performance by the Sharks to the guy sitting next to me up in Section 206. This guy had breath that would knock a buzzard off a shit wagon! I mean, it was as if a family of squirrels had crawled down his throat and choked to death on their own fecal matter... a month ago! HORRIBLE.

So, yeah, that's probably why the Sharks played the way they did. That, and the fact that I don't think Cyrus ever showed up. Section 201, Row 6, orange hat? Helllloooo?!?

Taking all of that into account, I predict a much better performance by our guys down in Anaheim.

Go Sharks!


  1. We had to leave early because of that douche. That was the first game I EVER left early.
