Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Hockey Gods Have Smiled Upon Us

Now I'm not normally one to gloat over things like this, but this is just too good to be true...

As I was making my way home up the 101, what did I spy with my little eye just before the Embarcadero exit? That's right, something beginning with D. As in duck. A dead duck, laid out smack dab between the second and third lanes.

When was the last time you saw duck roadkill?

Squirrels? Of course...

Dogs? Cats? Sadly, it happens...

This could have been nothing other than a sign of things to come for the Anaheim Ducks in the Western Conference Quarterfinals. I'm cool with that!


  1. I read on Randy Hahn's facebook page that outside the Honda Center, there was a dead duck as well. C'mon juju gods, don't lead us astray now!

  2. Hanuman, the new Thai restaurant on San Fernando where Blue Monkey used to be, has duck pad thai and duck curry.

  3. that our pre-game destination?
